Vue js JavaScript Templating With List And Conditions

Vue js JavaScript Templating With List And Conditions

Vue js JavaScript Templating

Vue js JavaScript Templating. Mustache templates {{ }} are widely used in Vue to output JavaScript expressions and variables. However, Templating in Vue is not just limited to printing out values. It can be used to do a lot more. We will see how we can use loops and conditional statements in Vue.

Rendering Lists with v-for

This comes in extremely handy, especially when you are building a component that has a list of similar data that needs to be displayed. The v-for is a Vue directive that can be used to loop through an array. As you’ve done before, Copy down the code from the image below.

Vue js Javascript

Let us see what we’ve written up here.

  • The data section has a variable called cars. This variable is a JSON array of people and their cars.
  • In the template section, we have looped a div with a v-for.
  • The item property contains the current element whereas the index is the count of the current iteration.
  • A key-value has been set giving each div a unique key.
  • Inside the div, we have a paragraph printing out data from the JSON object.

It is also very important to note that this will not generate list of <p> elements, but a list of <div> elements since <p> is nested.

The Output

If all goes well for you, the following output should be achieved. There might be changes due to CSS but the content should be the same.

vuejs simple output

Conditional Rendering

Here is something that I want you to know. In Normal HTML, when you want to hide something, you set its CSS attribute display:none;. However, when you are using Vue HTML needs to be rendered. This means that it would be a total waste to render everything then eventually hide things that are not needed with CSS. The solution is to not render them in the first place.

vuejs saracasm

This isn’t rocket science at all. We will just be using if and else statements. These if and else statements are called v-if and v-else directives.

The Code

Quickly replicate the following code on your systems.

vuejs v-for v-app functions
  • We have an input box that stores its value in a variable called num.
  • We have a computed property called input_even. This value is set to true or false depending upon whether the num variable is an even number.
  • In the template section, we are using a simple v-if to check for Boolean. If the condition is true, the first element is rendered, else the latter one.

We can use as many v-if and v-else ladders also, nesting is truly supported. The templates for conditions that are not true are never rendered so they never reach the browser’s dom.

The Output

If all goes well, you can expect the following output when you enter an even number.

vuejs form select


Vue has directives that make templating easier. Rendering a list of items becomes a piece of cake with the v-for directive. The v-if and v-else directives help save time by rendering only the components that are needed. I am sure you have grasped the concepts of lists and conditions in Vue templates. If you are still confused about something from the article, let me know in the comment section.

Update as of 2020 – This article was written in February 2019 and it’s December 2020. Vue Js JavaScript framework has also released updates. The latest update is Vue Js JavaScript Version 3, also called V3. You can click on the link to learn more about it.

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