What Are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)? How Can You Benefit Out Of MOOCs?

What Are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)? How Can You Benefit Out Of MOOCs?
What Are Massive Open Online Courses

Massive Open Online Courses abbreviated as MOOCs are the invention of the modern era in the education field. MOOCs represent the new way to receive high-quality education without even leaving your room. With MOOCs providers, the World’s top universities launch free & premium courses on various topics. For example, Programming, Marketing, Science, and any other you name. In this article, I’ll explain how you can benefit from MOOCs provided by large platforms.


Massive Open Online Courses, as the name suggests are online courses on various topics. Users of any major interest can find, join, and pursue MOOCs for free. Most courses provided by the top universities are free and these universities only ask for a fee when users want the certificate of their studies in a particular topic.

How Can You Take Benefit From MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) ?

Nowadays the more skills you have the more chances are companies going to hire you. More skills widen the work area and you can apply for different jobs in different fields. When you’re a programmer in Ruby then why not learn Ruby On Rails to add one more skill to your resume. Similarly, if you’re in the marketing area then you can master various topics in marketing. And each topic adds value to your resume and you get a promotion.

Also, Read – 5 Best Online Image Editor Free For Websites, Blogs, And Social Media If you’re a researcher then you can join and complete the courses for your particular topic. Nowadays we have a large number of courses from researchers who have quality knowledge. So their courses can help you the most.

But like before If you’re still thinking to leave your Job to join and complete required courses that add skills to your resume, then it is for sure not the right decision. MOOCs don’t require you to leave your job or even your room. Most MOOCs require you to sign up, join, and complete the course process. The highly advanced platform teaches you automatically step by step. Once the chapter ends, it starts another chapter on that topic.
MOOCs have been proved to be the most beneficial for entrepreneurs who learn independently. So if you’re just a student then you can join and pursue courses of your interests.

Here I’m going to mention some of the large MOOC providers. You can find almost any topic you want, from World history to Advance programming and graphics designing.


edX MOOCs categories
edX Massive Open Online Courses

edX is one of the most popular MOOCs providers. It has a massive number of categories, from Architecture, Communication, Computer Science to Electronics, Humanities, Music, and Science, etc.

 On edX, you get the courses from the most popular and Top universities, organizations, and companies such as Harward, UC Berkeley, etc. Also, top companies provide courses and training for their own products such as Microsoft provides MSWord training and MSExcel training, etc.


Udemy MOOCs categories

Udemy is another large MOOCs provider. Udemy has 35,000+ courses and over 7 million students enrolled in different courses taught by 19,000 instructors around the globe. Great!

Udemy has large number of courses on any topic such as Business courses, Design courses, Development courses, IT/Hacking courses, Marketing courses, Music courses, etc. On Udemy you get high-quality courses created and published by individuals like you, so most courses require a fee for complete course access. There are also small courses that are free to join.

With Udemy you can be a teacher. If you master a topic then you can create your own courses and publish them on Udemy. You can even sell your courses on Udemy and earn handsome money from those courses.


CodeAcademy learn to code

If you are seeking programming courses to expand your area to code, CodeAcademy is the one to join. With CodeAcademy you can learn HTML & CSS, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, SQL, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and many more for free. Each of the courses starts from a very basic level and covers advanced topics in each programming language.

Codecademy has been widely used around the globe with almost 25 million learners. And this is how CodeAcademy explains how coding can be beneficial for you.


So Are You Ready To Join MOOCs ?

So it was all about MOOCs, atleast for this time. I mentioned only three MOOCs provider. There are many other that I’ll talk about later on in a saperate article. For now enjoy the learning and power your resume with your favorite skills.

If you want to suggest to me any other MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) provider then please do in the comment section below. I’ll be happy to join it and learn from it and finally review it on TheITstuff.com. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family to help them learn new skills.

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