Best Alternatives To Bootstrap

Bootstrap has been ruling the charts when it comes to the best responsive frameworks for designing front-end for websites. However, there are some other names that you may not have heard of but are equally good. So here is a list of the best alternatives to the bootstrap framework.


pure.css bootstrap alternative
Pure is a front-end CSS framework which is very minimal yet has significant depth to it. It offers you a  fresh and flat look. What I really like about Pure is that it is CSS in pure form, no JavaScript. The grid system is also a little different from the ones that already exist and offers more flexibility.


Would say that I have used it and loved it. Materializecss is a great implementation of google’s material design and though this one might seem a little heavy to some users, it is totally worth it. You get many elements that are designed keeping mobile in mind. I was shocked to see how perfect and smooth some modules were. But I would say that I did face some issues when trying to customize several elements.

HTML Kickstart

HTML kickstart bootstrap alternative
HTML kickstart is a set of elements that can help you quickly create user interfaces for your website or app. I think the unique thing about it is that it has an old school look when you look at it. The UI will look clean, but it will also have a different theme which doesn’t look very modern. But elements from the kickstart module go really well when used withing other frameworks.


semantic ui web framework
Here is a framework that anyone can use and understand. While beautiful elements are already on board when you use Semantic-UI, what I really liked about this one was its naming schema.
Generally, CSS frameworks give very boring names to their classes. That’s not the case with Semantic-UI as it uses words that make perfect sense to how the element will look and behave.
Semantic-UI also boasts of having integrations with various js frameworks like Angular, React and meteor.


UIKit web framework
UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. It also has a pro version for people looking into more customizability.

HTML5  Boilerplate

html5 boilerplate web framework
HTML5 Boilerplate is being used by Microsoft, NASA, Nike, Barack Obama, ITV News, Creative Commons and many big websites. It is not just a CSS framework rather a theme or a starter template for your website.
So these were some of the best alternatives to Bootstrap. They all have their pros and cons. Even though Bootstrap might sound like a very good and trusted framework to build upon, it is already being used by many websites. So if you wish to make your website stand out,  choosing another framework or using components from several frameworks might be a good idea.

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